Insights Into Things
Insights Into Things is a podcast network bringing unique perspectives and deep dives into some of the every day things we deal with on a regular basis. From the trials and tribulations teenagers face, to mysteries and frustrations of today‘s technology, to perspectives on historical events and how they affect us today right down to the latest in pop culture and entertainment news. Insights Into Things offers shows that provide perspective, knowledge and insights into things that matter to you. Insights Into Things, insightful podcasts by informative hosts

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 88 ”Would You Rather? Round 2”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In this episode we pick up with our little personality game of "Would You Rather" from our previous podcast. This week we ask Madison questions about "Grossed Out", "Future Self", "Extracurricular Activities" and "Dating".
We get some very well thought out and some very interesting answers in this weeks edition. We learn that Madison is far more likely to indulge in the performing arts than in sports. We also some interesting reasons why she's not a fan of flying.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 10 ”Decision 2020 Trump vs. Biden”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In this episode we put Trump again Biden in a statistical matchup of the ages. From the tail of the tape analysis all the way through 5 rounds of head to head competition we look at the two candidates in detail. Using survey data from two well respected surveys we'll compare each candidates stand on Key Issues versus how survey respondents polled.
Round 2 will look at reasons respondents gave for voting for either candidate. We'll look at personality traits of each candidate in Round 3. Round 4 is a measure of voter confidence in key issues as it relates to each candidate. And the fifth and final round looks at which candidate is more trustworthy.
All throughout the match up we'll provide color commentary and analysis of the candidates and the issues measured. In the end we'll tally up each candidates results in a 10 point must system and give you our thoughts.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 87 “A Series of Unfortunate Goodbyes”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In our Disney Detective, Changes for the Queue for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance, More Layoffs at Disney, will Annual Passes be going away? And Disneyland Paris to close… Then in our Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy, The Star Wars Holiday Special is a crossover dream & Mandalorian Star Says His Character Is the "Warden of the Galaxy" And for our Entertainment News, Marvel may retcon the MCU to accommodate the X-Men, Spider-Man 3 News, No More Mindhunter & farewell to Bond, James Bond And then we’ll finish up with our Insightful Picks of the week....

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 87 ”Would You Rather”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
We decided to change things up a bit for our Halloween episode and have some fun. We decorated the studio set, threw on our costumes and decided to play a game of "Would You Rather".
In this episode we ask Madison a serious of questions on topics such as Technology, Pop Culture, Family, School, Food and Fantasy. We give Madison two choices and she needs to pick which one she would rather go with. It's a fun and interesting little game of personality questions that we play at home from time to time. This time we're asking the questions on the podcast and getting the answers on the fly.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 86 ”Disney takes a Holiday”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In our Disney Detective, California Officials take a trip to Orlando, Animal Kingdom Hyenas Get the Disney Princess treatment & a major reorg for Disney. Then in our Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy, Pedro Pascal talks about spending more time on set in season 2, George Lucas and the Star Wars Holiday Special, and Who wants a new lightsaber? And for our Entertainment News, Matt Damon Trolls Ben Affleck & Some Batman News, And Adam Sandler comes to Philly for filming And then we’ll finish up with our Insightful Picks of the week...

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 86 ”Q&A Series: Philosophy, Politics and Stuff”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
This week is another in depth Question and Answers session on topics like philosophy, politics and more. We ask a number of heavy hitting philosophical questions this week such as how would Madison explain love, is there such thing as free will and can we understand happiness without sadness.
Following up to our "Running for President" podcast from last week we ask Madison a number of politically motivated questions such as why does politics matter to you, does she think too much money is spent on political campaigns and what does she think are the qualities of a good political leader.
We wrap up with a shortened set of miscellaneous questions such as what do you wish you were more motivated to do, what's something kids understand but adults don't and if you could give every person a gift in the world what would it be?
It's an insightful look at how teens think about today's issue and we get some very enlightening answers.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 85 ”It‘s all Fun and Games...Mostly”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In our Disney Detective, No plans for Disneyland opening still… Disney Bloggers helping out Castmembers in Need… and another New Pixar Movie coming to Disney+ Then in our Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy, A new Star Wars Pinball Machine… The High Republic Will Redefine The Force And for our Entertainment News, Loss of a Music Legend… Broadway to remain Dark…. NYCC2020 Info And then we’ll finish up with our Insightful Picks of the week...

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 85 ”Running for President”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In this episode we take a look at the Presidential Election. We'll explore what the requirements are to run for president and what the process of a presidential election looks like. We'll explain complicated things like the Electoral College in a simple and easy to understand way. Then we'll look at some of the reasons people run for president and some of the drawbacks to being president. Finally we put Madison on the spot as our fictional candidate and ask her some of the real questions that our presidential candidates are asked. Some of the answers are very interesting.

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 84 “Kings, Orchestras and Squadrons”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
In our Disney Detective, The return of the Lion King, Farewell to a musical favorite and mass layoffs at the parks Then in our Tales from the Edge of the Galaxy, 'Pew, Pew, JOIN STAR WARS: SQUADRONS… CASSIAN ANDOR GETS A NEW DIRECTION & more on the Mando rumors And for our Entertainment News, Cobra Kai is ready to attack & the fate of the Orville?? And then we’ll finish up with our Insightful Picks of the week...

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 84 ”Q&A Series Money Family and Education”
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
This week to dive back into our Questions and Answers series and get to know Madison a bit more. We're talking topics ranging from Money and Professions to Family and Friends and Education. We'll learn this week if Madison would rather be a boss or an employee, whether she believes money can buy happiness, how she defines success and more when it comes to money and professions.
In our Family and Friends segment we'll find out what Madison thinks it is that makes our family amazing, what it takes to make a happy family, and which friends she thinks I like best of hers and much more. We'll close out the podcast with a series of questions on Education. We'll find out what she's learned in school that she thinks is most useful, what her easiest and hardest classes are,, and what the most important part of school is along with a bunch of other questions.